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Are You Feeling Out of Breath?

For many of us, the last few months or years have been overwhelming and difficult, especially for those of us who believe what the Bible says. There are wars in many countries, including Israel. There have been earthquakes, tsunamis, blizzards, and other weather related events. The world of politics is swirling around us - not just in the USA, but globally. 

Once again, we are hearing the rumors of another possible pandemic. The attack against the traditional biblical family has become bolder as we see legislation validating gender dysphoria to the point of attempts to remove children from their parents, and even threats of imprisonment for those who won’t endorse the forced acceptance of mental delusions. 

Add to all of the above the financial crisis that has begun as the cost of food, gas, and other staples have become out of reach for many. Taxes are increasing, along with international and national debt. 

I know that most of us see these things as exactly what they are: the fulfillment of the words written by the prophets of old coming to pass in our days. While most of us absolutely see these events as what they are, many of us are still feeling weary and, at times, struggling to keep putting one foot in front of the other from day to day. One person recently said while discussing current events, “I feel like a marathoner who is running and can see the finish line, but is nearly out of breath.” 

As he spoke those words, a verse from Scripture came to my mind, which speaks of a time thousands of years ago when the people of G-D also found themselves feeling out of breath. However, because of the translation from Hebrew to English, you may not even know that this statement of being short of breath was even in the Bible. And because many don’t know that this statement is in the Bible, they don’t know that G-D provided within the Bible a treatment for all those who, because of the events taking place around them, are dealing with shortness of breath.

The Scripture I am talking about is found in Exodus 6:9:

Exodus 6:9 Moses spoke this way to Bnei-Yisrael, but they did not listen to him because of their broken spirit and cruel bondage. 

The Hebrew words that are translated as broken is מִקֹּ֣צֶר mekotzer, which is translated here as broken, but literally means shortness, is followed by the word ר֔וּחַ, which is translated as spirit, but literally means breath.

So, this verse could literally be translated: Moses spoke this way to Bnei-Yisrael, but they did not listen to him because of their shortness of breath and cruel bondage. 

The reason we must understand the meaning of these words, especially today as we are seeing so many end time prophetic events taking place right before our eyes, is because of the words written just before the words shortness of breath. 

Moses spoke to Bnei-Yisrael, but they did not listen. I believe that as we get closer and closer to the end of days and the return of Yeshua (Jesus), things are going to get more and more difficult, especially for believers in Yeshua. If we are not careful, we will allow our circumstances to overwhelm us to the point where we become short of breath. If we become short of breath, we will become disoriented and confused, we won’t be able to think straight and, most of all, we won’t be able to listen to the words of those whom G-D sent to lead us out of this world (Our Egypt) to our Promised Land (The World to Come).

Maybe this understanding is what Paul was referring to in 2 Timothy 4:7-8 when he wrote:

2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. 8 In the future there is reserved for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not to me only, but also to everyone who has longed for His appearing.

We will only be able to fight our good fight and finish our course (or race) and keep the faith if we don’t allow ourselves to become short of breath, and the only way for us not to become short of breath is to constantly allow G-D to keep our lungs filled with his breath or spirit. Remember: man only became a living soul after G-D breathed the breath of life into him. 

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