Rabbi Eric Tokajer was raised in a traditional Jewish home. After his bar mitzvah, he began to study the Hebrew Scriptures more closely which brought many questions to his mind. Questions like if a sacrifice had to be made once a year on Yom Kippur to cover the sins of Israel from year to year how were those sins covered now. When he was unable to find answers from the different rabbis that he asked, he became an agnostic.
While serving in the US Navy, Rabbi Eric was challenged by a believer in Yeshua to study the Scriptures until he found answers within them. While searching the Hebrew Scriptures, Rabbi Eric found belief in Yeshua as the promised Messiah of Israel which brought answers to all of the questions he had. It is now over 33 years ago.
Since then Rabbi Eric studied to become an ordained Rabbi in the IAMCS (International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues). He has served as a Rabbi in the Mobile, Alabama area and now in Pensacola, Florida. He also helped to establish five synagogues across the Gulf Coast in Slidell, Louisiana; Pascagoula, Mississippi; Foley, Alabama; Spanish Fort, Alabama; and Pensacola, Florida where he serves as Rabbi today. Rabbi Eric has been married for 36 years to his wife Pammy and they have two children David (and his wife Danielle with two children, Elyana and Natanel) and Andrew (and his wife Melissa). Both sons are married to the daughters of Rabbi Paul and Rebbetzin Sally Collins of Mobile, Alabama.